The role of affective and cognitive involvement in the mitigating effects of AI source cues on hostile media bias


With an experimental design, this study examined the effect of source cues (Human vs. AI) on hostile media bias through heuristic machine evaluation of machine and human social media profiles. This study also explored the effects of affective and cognitive involvement as moderators along with media source-self ideological incongruity (source incongruity). A 2 (human vs. AI) x 3 (CNN vs. USA Today vs. Fox News) experimental study was conducted (n = 434). Participants exhibited less hostile media bias when presented with a news story with AI source cues through heuristic machine evaluation. The mitigating effect was stronger for those viewing news from an incongruent news source. Such moderated mediated effect was further moderated by two types of involvement (i.e., affective and cognitive). Implications for future research surrounding the two types of involvement, source incongruity, machine heuristic evaluations, and hostile media bias are discussed in light of our findings.

Telematics and Informatics, 88, 102097.
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Matthew J. A. Craig, PhD
Matthew J. A. Craig, PhD
PhD candidate in Communication & Information

Matthew Craig is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the the Information Integrity Institute, in the College of Communication and Information at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Matthew Craig has research interests in human-machine communication and new media specific focus on the intersections of human-machine communication, privacy management, and society.
